The New Paradigm

Awakening our personal power and becoming leaders in our lives.

We live in remarkable times. It feels like we are waking up from a long, deep sleep and encountering opportunities everywhere. As we awaken to our personal power, roadblocks that looked insurmountable dissolve. Integration is the keyword. Bringing what we already know and what we are learning into the realm of how we live.

In the old paradigm we waited for the next great leader to emerge: a Buddha, a Gandhi, a Martin Luther King. Now it is time to emphasise personal responsibility, to reframe leadership from being outside of ourselves into individual action. There is nothing and no-one to wait for. Leadership is not about being the head of a corporation, or being elected, or wealthy. Leadership is about creating relationship, and fostering collaboration across organisations and all sectors of society. It nurtures connection both at the personal and systemic level.

Creative solutions involve putting yourself on the line. Find your passion and follow your heart. You simply have to show up. You will be amazed how people will respond!

If you are finding that the old modalities no longer work, I can support and assist you in creating a new roadmap.

Definition of ‘Paradigm Shift’

The term "paradigm shift" has found uses in other contexts, representing the notion of a major change in a certain thought-pattern — a radical change in personal beliefs, complex systems or organisations, replacing the former way of thinking or organising with a radically different way of thinking or organising...

What people are saying

  • Linda Nicholls, Ph.D. Facilitator, Senior Faculty - The Haven Institute

    "There is no one better equipped than Gillian Maxwell for awakening and leading others to live into the new paradigm. She is an inspirational being, already simply and gracefully embodying this vital fresh reality. Gillian walks her talk with conviction and integrity! I have every confidence that anyone who is drawn to work with her will flourish."

  • Donald MacPherson, Executive Director, Canadian Drug Policy Coalition

    "Gillian Maxwell is on a journey to change the world. At the Canadian Drug Policy Coalition she is helping us shift the way in which people who use illegal drugs are treated. Our society has been fighting a war on drugs and those who use them for over 50 years, with catastrophic outcomes. We are lucky to have her on our team. Her positive and supportive energy, fearlessness, passion for justice and human rights drive her towards connecting people, places and ideas to bring about a new way to see the problems and solutions. Check her out! She's a gem."

  • Lynn Sumida, MSW/RSW, President and Founder of Miruspoint Facilitators Inc.

    "One of Gillian's greatest strengths is her clarity. She has long known that solutions to the problems facing society are not going to be solved with laws or rules mandating behaviour. Making a paradigm shift is rarely easy or popular, but Gillian understands we can't legislate kindness or compassion. The concept that society will be judged by how it treats the weakest is surely a guiding principle she has followed. We need people like Gillian who are willing to stand up and stand out, advocating solutions that will genuinely work.  I feel privileged to be counted as one of her colleagues."

  • quote-icon

    “If a business strategy were failing and instead of curbing a problem made it worse, would you keep it going or would you stop and consider an alternative course? Strangely, the trillion dollar war on drugs has persisted for 40 years even though it is the most dismal global policy failure of our time.” - Sir Richard Branson, Founder, Virgin Group

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Gillian Maxwell

I am an experienced public speaker, facilitator and connector committed to raising consciousness individually and collectively to transform our world.

More About Gillian

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(604) 728-7792
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