Kim Balfour

"It's hard to explain but it has to do with your assumption of intelligence on the part of the audience and the way you make connections between seemingly different areas of thought or inquiry. Like drawing on Goethe and Gandhi to make a point about supervised injection sites.

My sense is that you help people see what is new about a familiar situation, and what is familiar about new or different situations in part by making connections that startle people out of their particular little mindsets. Like talking about social services, passive resistance and, say, quantum physics in the same sentence. In the end, it makes for a richer understanding of the situation and more creative, enduring solutions."

Kim Balfour
Balfour Consulting Group Inc

What people are saying
  • "I have had the privilege of knowing Gillian Maxwell for over 10 years. She has been an influential and respected..." MORE

    Dr. Perry Kendall
    BC Provincial Health Officer, Canada

  • "Keeping the Door Open was a group of people who profoundly changed my views on drugs, addiction and policies. I can say..." MORE

    Senator Larry Campbell
    Ottawa, Ontario

  • quote-icon

    "Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." - Rumi

See All Quotes

Gillian Maxwell

I am an experienced public speaker, facilitator and connector committed to raising consciousness individually and collectively to transform our world.

More About Gillian

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(604) 728-7792
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